Gold Service

Welcome to our Gold Service

Let me guess you are looking for something to protect your money? But what is money? Fiat currency (cash), bank notes is money right? Wrong.

Gold is real money, bank notes are an illusion of money. Once you understand this you can start your path to banking and saving in gold.

In February 2016 an ounce of gold was £780.01, now in February 2025 an ounce is £2,270.99. An increase of £1,490.98. So for an investment of £780.01 you would have made an average return of £165.66 per year.

Ounce table of profit 2016-2025
1 Ounce = £1,490.98
5 Ounces = £7,454.90
10 Ounces = £14,909.80
20 Ounces = £29,819.60

Banking in Gold
Why bank in gold? Fiat money is devaluing faster than ever, we can see this clearly with food shopping. Have you noticed how much prices are rising?

By buying gold you are holding your wealth in an asset that is increasing until you need to turn that back into cash when needed.

Saving in Gold
Saving in gold is almost the same as banking in gold, but instead of turning the gold bars into cash, you trade them for gold coins. Collectable coins will bring the best increases to your real wealth.
As long as you buy bars from ACL, we will give you the current stock price on any coin without any fees or deductions.